Before Lap Band Surgery


If your doctors conclude that the lap band is the best procedure for you, you will have to undergo a series of tests, examinations and consultations with other doctors, health care providers and medical professionals before you schedule a date for surgery. (Note: This is the start of a long and sometimes complicated process. It’s a good idea to create a notebook and a folder keep track of documentation.)

Some of these steps include:

• complete physical examination
• complete lab tests
• consultation with doctors treating other existing medical problems
• mental health evaluation
• nutritional counseling
• dietetic counseling
• seminars that explain the entire surgical process, from pre-op to follow-up care

Although lap band surgery is much less invasive than traditional bariatric surgical procedures, it’s still a serious operation. It’s important to work with your doctor to understand the procedure, what you need to do to prepare, and what you need to do after the operation to do the best for your health.

If you’ve gotten this far in the process, you have shown that you are committed to changing your diet and lifestyle, and you are ready to continue to work with your lap band doctor after the procedure. Your lap band doctor needs to monitor your status so that he can make adjustments as needed to maximize the effectiveness of the lap band.